Anxiety Treatment

Do you have these symptoms?

  • Feeling tense or fearful

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Feeling nervous or dreadful

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Feeling emotionally unstable

  • Rapid heart rate and breathing

  • Feeling out of control

Anxiety can feel like struggling with constant fear and doubt that takes away your ability to enjoy life and feel safe. It could also be experienced as having intrusive or strange thoughts sometimes that convince you that at any moment something bad could happen. You may experience panic attacks that make it hard to function and go through life the way you desire to. 

Maybe you are overthinking and so preoccupied that you are struggling with everyday activities such as eating, sleeping, showering, or leaving the house. Anxiety can also cause dread and worry to replace feelings of excitement and happiness so that you eventually stop participating in parts of your life that used to be enjoyable to you.

Everyone can experience anxiety in diverse ways. Even if two people are having the same symptoms, those two people can process and be affected by those symptoms very differently. Someone who experiences anxiety may bite their nails, or lose their temper and lash out, or may withdraw from others in their life and become secluded and overwhelmed with their thoughts and feelings. Sometimes you just don’t feel secure in yourself or your life anymore.

Anxiety can create a lot of misery in your life and it can make it seem impossible to get back to feeling like yourself again. But there is a solution. At Fortis Counseling, we can help you get back to your old self. With our anxiety therapy services you can learn coping skills to possibly overcome anxiety, stress, and overwhelm once and for all.

anxiety therapy fortis counseling salt lake city utah

You are not alone!

Anxiety is a reaction of our brain trying to protect us. This is called survival mode. This is helpful when you are actually in a dangerous situation. However, sometimes our brains aren’t able to tell when it’s a false alarm or when we are truly in danger. Our minds can get stuck in this survival mode. This is a common problem for many people. 

There are many causes for anxiety. Biological factors, environmental factors, your personal schedule or sleep patterns, social media expectations, chronic illness, or even big world events such as the Covid-19 pandemic. A lot of people experience these things every day. But for some reason, we often view anxiety as a bad thing. We think that we should never feel stressed, burnt out, or overwhelmed, and if we do, there must be something wrong with us. This is simply not true! It’s important to acknowledge and accept your anxious feelings instead of trying to push them away or pretend they don’t exist. Anxiety is experienced differently by everyone, so it’s important to understand your own triggers and how you respond to them. Taking the time to identify the source of your anxiety can be helpful in understanding why certain situations make you feel uneasy or overwhelmed. Knowing the cause of your anxiety can help you become more aware of when it might arise in the future and how best to manage it. Don’t be afraid to talk to other people about your anxiety, stress, burn out, overwhelm. You will be surprised how many other people experience the same thing!

therapy fortis counseling anxiety salt lake city utah

Treatment for Anxiety Can Work For You

Our team of professional counselors and therapists can give you the time and space to express yourself in a safe environment without feeling judged. You will have the opportunity to be fully authentic and open about your personal and possibly sensitive experiences with anxiety, stress, or burn-out. Our services utilize evidence-based techniques to help you learn how to manage your symptoms more effectively by teaching you how to use skills to respond more appropriately to overwhelming stimuli.

Going through anxiety counseling can be uncomfortable sometimes. At Fortis Counseling you will get one-on-one psychotherapy tailored to your individual’s needs with a focus on reducing stress levels and promoting healthy coping skills. We also provide resources for our clients to explore, such as guided meditations, self-care tips, and self-awareness skills. 

Everything you discuss in therapy is confidential as well as voluntary. You can share what you want and you can decide at what pace you want to process and proceed through the counseling process. Ultimately, you will be given a space and environment that will assist in examining your anxious thoughts and feelings in a more rational way.

In the therapy process, you will usually start with a broad assessment so the clinician can get to know you better. It’s important to understand your situation and ultimately what you are experiencing and how it is impacting your life. This could eventually include discussing anxiety triggers and how to deal with them more effectively or identifying negative beliefs that you have and reframing those thoughts to be more accurate and helpful for you. 

With the help of a professional, you’ll gain the skills needed to manage your anxiety so that it doesn’t take over your life. You’ll be empowered to reduce your stress levels and focus on building healthier habits for the future. 

By participating in anxiety treatment at Fortis Counseling, you’ll be able to build more confidence while also improving your self-esteem and reducing worries and fears. You are able to do this through two main interventions we use to treat anxiety and stress. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP). CBT will teach you how to have more control over your thoughts and learn how those thoughts will affect your feelings and behaviors. ERP is a great tool to slowly help you confront your fears and worries, which enables your body to learn to appropriately respond to triggers instead of going into survival mode. Ultimately, both of these, and many other interventions that can be used, will lead to an increase in overall mental wellness. 

You can experience lasting results when you work with us. You’ll gain the skills needed to manage your anxiety for the long term. You’ll learn how to identify anxious thoughts and feelings early on so that you can take steps to prevent them from escalating into bigger issues down the line. Our team is dedicated to providing a warm, caring environment where individuals can feel comfortable expressing their feelings and talking through their concerns. We strive to provide the best care possible as you work towards managing your symptoms of anxiety.

Still have some concerns about starting treatment?

What you are going through can be a heavy burden. It may make you wonder if counseling really can help. It may take some time, but ultimately counseling can help ease your burden. We know that sometimes working on the symptoms of something can feel like just putting a bandaid over a large wound. Here at Fortis Counseling, we will help you determine the core issues that are causing your anxious symptoms and we will show you how to heal those wounds. No more bandaids!

It can also be nerve wracking to consider how your family and friends will react when they find out you are seeking treatment for your mental health struggles. Reaching out and finding support and healing is an act of self-love and self-awareness. You should be commended for making this decision. Individuals who have not participated in therapy may have preconceived and misconstrued ideas about treatment. However, treatment is about you, not them. You have a right to prioritize yourself and your happiness. You are taking a big step towards leading a healthier life. 

Another concern that seems to come up often is finding the time and motivation to fit counseling treatment into your schedule. We understand that you may be juggling a job, schooling, family responsibilities, and a social life. On top of all that, you are trying to manage your anxiety by yourself. Our clinicians at Fortis Counseling will be as flexible as they can when scheduling your appointments. Some clinicians will offer early morning, late night, afternoon, or day time hours. We will work with you to find a time that fits in your schedule so that you can start making and seeing changes in your life. 

Booking an appointment is easy. All you have to do is get in touch and we will be more than happy to help you find the right time and therapist for your needs. Our team consists of experienced professionals, all dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming environment to support your healing journey. We understand that it can be difficult to take that first step and make an appointment; we're here for you every step of the way. So please, don't hesitate to reach out and book your therapy appointment today! We look forward to hearing from you soon.