ADHD Treatment

You might have ADHD if you have…

  • Difficulty staying focused

  • A hard time staying organized

  • Problems concentrating for long periods of time

  • Challenges in completing tasks and impulsivity

  • Hyperactivity and persistent high energy 

ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Similar diagnoses are Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD), anxiety, depression and bipolar. Knowing the signs of ADHD is important for getting the help you need. ADHD is a common disorder, and it usually starts in childhood. It is more common in boys than girls. ADHD can also cause social challenges like difficulty making and keeping friends or understanding how to act in different environments. You might have scattered or disorganized thoughts. Maybe you have always been described as a “daydreamer” or someone who has “high energy” and now you feel like you just can’t get your life together. 

Do you struggle with giving in to impulsive behaviors due to a heightened need for instant gratification? Or, on the other hand, maybe you struggle with procrastination and can never seem to find the motivation to start or finish tasks. Many people who have ADHD face many obstacles throughout school or work as well as troubles with processing complex emotions.

All of these symptoms can lead to frustration and overwhelm. You may have trouble believing that you could ever find a way to be more organized or more effectively regulate frustrating or overwhelming emotions. But, with treatment for ADHD, you will be able to see improvement in your own symptoms and learn to harness your focus and motivation.

adhd treatment fortis counseling therapy salt lake city utah

How common is ADHD?

The first study to be done nationally that looked at the prevalence of ADHD was done in 1977. The diagnosis was reported to be at about 5% but in 2019 a study was done again and it has risen to about 10%. It has been found that those who have ADHD are born with the disorder which means that genetics do play a role. However, researchers have not been able to identify the exact cause of ADHD. 

Because ADHD begins in childhood, your symptoms may wax and wane throughout your life and can change as you grow and learn. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder. This means that it affects how your brain grows and develops as you age. But, just because your brain develops in a certain way, doesn’t mean that through treatment for ADHD you can reverse some of those developments to make them more positive and helpful in your life. Even if many people are not diagnosed with ADHD or ADD, many people experience some of the same symptoms as these disorders. It can be helpful to discuss with others and find connections with others that may be going through the same thing as you.

ADHD Treatment

ADHD and ADD can be managed with treatments such as therapy, medication, lifestyle modifications, and more. The goal of these treatments is to reduce symptoms and allow the person to better manage everyday life activities. Medication can help control some of the most severe ADHD symptoms such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, and difficulty focusing. Medications are typically stimulants that affect certain chemicals in the brain that regulate behavior. Stimulant medications have been found to be the most effective in improving attention span, decreasing impulsive behavior and hyperactivity, and helping children and adults stay focused on tasks longer.

It may take time to find the right mix of treatments and coping strategies that work for you. With the right coping strategies and adjustments to everyday life, your ADHD symptoms don’t have to hold you back from achieving your goals. Therapy can also help people with ADHD learn how to maintain their symptoms better. It can help them learn better coping skills, build self-esteem, and improve communication skills. Therapy also teaches individuals to set goals and develop strategies for meeting those goals.

adhd treatment fortis counseling therapy salt lake city utah

Still have reservations?

Are you wondering about medications? Have you heard that the side effects are terrible or you are afraid the medications won’t work for you? No one can know for sure how a medication will affect one person. Everyone processes medications differently. There are always going to be some side effects. However, it’s best to focus on whether or not the negative side effects you are experiencing outweigh the positive benefits of the medication in treating your ADHD. When you try a medication for the first time, it’s important to keep in touch with your doctor regularly so that you can discuss any ways the medication may be affecting you and also discuss any changes to the medication that may be needed. 

Are you nervous that therapy isn’t right for you or that you won’t be able to stay committed to treatment because of your ADHD? This is a valid concern. Our trained counselors will be able to work with you to create a plan that is tailored to your needs. It’s usually most helpful for those struggling with ADHD to attend therapy weekly. If it’s less frequent than this, it can be easy to lose momentum and motivation to keep going. When you participate in ADHD treatment through therapy, you will have the chance to learn control over your behaviors and make life changes that will help you be successful in life. Many people feel overwhelmed when trying to cope with their ADHD but there's no need to go through it alone! One of our experienced therapists can provide you with valuable resources and support as you learn how to effectively manage your condition. Don't let ADHD take control of your life!

Above all else, don't be too hard on yourself. You are capable of managing your symptoms and living a happy and fulfilling life, despite the challenges that come with ADHD. A positive attitude is key - stay focused on what you can do, rather than getting stuck on what you can’t. With the right support, life changes, and coping strategies, you will be able to manage your ADHD symptoms and reach your goals. Take action today and find an ADHD treatment counselor with Fortis Counseling who can help you meet the challenges that come with managing this disorder.