Couples Counseling

Do these sound familiar for your relationship?

  • Arguments happening too frequently

  • Trust has been broken

  • You have gone through a traumatic event that has changed the dynamic of the relationship

  • Poor communication

  • Physical intimacy is an issue

  • You feel stuck in bad habits

Has your partner been distant lately? Do you ever feel like a broken record repeating things over and over? You try and discuss with your partner and it seems to go in one ear and out the other. Maybe you or your partner shut down and give each other the silent treatment when there is conflict. There are many different items that can and will effect your relationship whether you are new in the relationship or whether you have been together for years. Some couples find themselves struggling when all their children have moved out of the home. Some partners struggle learning how to adapt to living with their partner. Relationship problems can be incredibly difficult to handle. They can feel like a never-ending spiral of emotions, and it's easy to get overwhelmed by the intensity of it all.

You are not the only couple going through this.

It can be difficult to know how to handle these issues, especially when they feel overwhelming. Sometimes it may feel as if your home life is a disaster but when you go out in public you make sure that no one suspects a thing. It can be exhausting to put on this mask and then go back to your relationship that you don’t know why isn’t working. Sound familiar? Because of this idea that we do not share our intimate problems with the world, it can make you feel like you are the only partnership having complications. You would be surprised to learn how many relationships have turmoil and challenges. Relationships are hard enough as it is, but when you throw in individuals past traumatic experiences and negative expectations, it makes it so much harder. Every relationship will have different areas where the individuals struggle. Some couples may have all the same interests, where others may have opposite interests and find it hard to spend time together on hobbies. Some couples will have very supportive extended family, and others will have toxic relationship they are dealing with. No matter the location, race, gender, or socioeconomic status, there will always be couples struggling to communicate and maintain boundaries.

Is relationship counseling right for you?

First and foremost, if you are unsafe in your relationship, seek safety first. Working with a therapist on your relationship can always be helpful. However, if there is domestic violence present, it will be most beneficial for you to be in a safe environment while going through treatment.

Marriage and any relationship requires compromise, patience, and understanding. Even couples in the best of relationships will experience problems from time to time. It’s normal for disagreements and arguments to occur, but how you handle them is what matters most. When working with a counselor you will learn different approaches to resolving issues. Learning effective communication skills can help both individuals better express their needs and feelings.

couples counseling therapy fortis salt lake city utah

A counselor can provide an impartial viewpoint and help guide you through uncomfortable conversations. By using these tools, couples can learn how to create a mutually supportive relationship and appreciate their differences instead of letting them tear them apart. Remember that while marriage isn’t always easy, with commitment and effort it can be a source of lasting joy.

Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just starting out, relationship counseling can help. Relationship therapy helps uncover the underlying issues that may be causing problems and strengthens communication between partners. Marriage therapy is specifically tailored to married couples and often includes topics such as parenting, finances, spirituality, and other important areas of life. Marriage counseling focuses on resolving conflicts and improving relationships through practical strategies based on research. No matter what stage your relationship is in, couples counseling can help you work through challenges together to strengthen your bond.

If you're feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or disconnected from each other – seeking professional advice is one way to move forward with clarity and understanding. With the right approach and guidance from an experienced counselor, couples counseling can help you find the path to a healthier, happier relationship. It can give you the tools and skills to communicate better, build trust and intimacy, and foster mutual respect.

If you are still contemplating, here’s a few more insights:

You might be nervous that starting couples counseling treatment could make things worse in your relationship. In treatment sometimes things can feel heavier before they get lighter. Often times there are many pent up thoughts and emotions that one partner needs to share with the other. This may bring pain and discomfort in the relationship. However, to fully heal the partnership, each individual needs to be completely open and vulnerable. Once you can get everything out in the open and then begin processing through it with the help of a counselor, your relationship will start to heal and you will find love again with your partner.

Do you feel that if you can’t solve your relationship problems on your own, then you shouldn’t be together? Or are you concerned that the therapist will take sides or just tell you to split up/get divorced? These are valid concerns. However, it’s important to remember that every person is raised differently. Every person comes from a different background. Every person learns verbal and non verbal cues and behaviors when dealing with relationship conflict. Just because you can’t solve your problems on your own, doesn’t mean that you don’t have the potential of being a great couple! Sometimes it takes an outsiders perspective to see our habits and point them out to us so we can change them. Couples counseling is an investment that can provide long-term benefits for your relationship. With hard work and dedication, many couples have found hope and healing through this process – why not get started on your journey?

couples counseling fortis counseling therapy salt lake city utah

Going to couples counseling for the first time can feel a bit nerve-wracking. After all, it's not every day that you sit down with someone and discuss the ins-and-outs of your relationship. But one thing to remember is that relationship therapy isn't meant to be judgmental or intimidating; it's simply an opportunity for both parties to open up in a safe, supportive environment.

Before your first session, it might help to prepare yourself by getting clear on why you're attending therapy in the first place. What issues do you want to address? Do you have any specific goals for being there? Knowing this information ahead of time will help guide the conversation and ensure that both partners are getting what they need from the experience.

During the session, both partners will be free to express their feelings in a nonjudgmental environment and share their perspectives on any issues that are causing tension or concern. It's important to remember that couples counseling isn't about assigning blame or finding fault; it's about understanding each other better and developing skills for working through tough times together. The therapist will also provide helpful advice and techniques for strengthening the relationship. At the end of your session, you'll review what was discussed and decide on any next steps or action items before making a plan to check-in at future sessions.

With dedicated effort and open communication, couples counseling can help you build a stronger, healthier bond with your partner - so don't be afraid to take the first step and book a free consult today! Work with one of our therapists to learn to communicate more effectively and fully reconnect in your relationship. If you have any questions, we would be happy to answer them for you. Just let us know!