Mandy Wilcox, LCSW, Owner

Mandy Wilcox LCSW Therapist Counselor Fortis Counseling Salt Lake City Utah

Hi there, I’m Mandy Wilcox. It is my mission to give you the support and healing that you deserve, and for you to live the healthiest life possible. No matter your circumstances or history.

Having grown up with a keen awareness and empathy for those who were suffering, I was always looking for opportunities where I could be a support to individuals who needed it. However, I usually found that these individuals did not have the appropriate knowledge and skills to process their experiences in a healthy way. After losing a close friend to suicide, I was further ignited with a passion to gain the education and training to become a professional therapist. I want to provide healing for you. Every single person matters and should feel value in themselves and their lives.

I found so much fulfillment in this field that I wanted to find a way to help more people like you. So, I created Fortis Counseling. Fortis means strong and powerful in Latin. I chose this name because I know that you are strong. When working with a professional at Fortis Counseling you can learn to harness your strength and power to create the best life for you. I personally review each of our new counselors here to make sure we have the best professionals for you.

I completed a Bachelor’s of Social Work from Brigham Young University: Idaho in 2017 and a Master’s in Social Work from Utah State University in 2020. I am also a big dog lover and truly believe that dogs improve mental health considerably. In 2021 I completed a Masters in Human-Canine Life Sciences from Bergin University of Canine Studies. I am currently accredited as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in the State of Utah.

All of us here at Fortis Counseling want you to know; You are not alone! You are important! You have value! You can do this! Please reach out to us. We want to support you in finding your strength.