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ADHD and School: How to Manage

It's no secret that school can be tough for kids with ADHD. In fact, according to a recent study, nearly 60% of children with ADHD struggle in school. As a parent of a child with ADHD, it's important to understand what your child is up against and how you can help them succeed. Here are some key things to keep in mind when it comes to helping your child with ADHD succeed in school.

It can be hard to focus in school when you have ADHD, but there are ways to make it work

It's not easy being a student with ADHD. It can be hard to muster up the energy and motivation to stay focused in class, especially when the material seems dull or difficult. On top of that, no matter how much you may wish to pay attention, it always seems like there are a million other things to think about while your teacher is lecturing or going over assignments. Whether you're someone who feels overwhelmed or just need a few strategies to help stay on track, there are things you can do to make your education a little bit easier to manage. You can try changing up your study environment, keeping snacks or a water bottle nearby, starting homework early in the day, organizing tasks into smaller chunks- the possibilities are endless! Don't be afraid to reach out for help when needed either; talking with an educator partner or counselor can be incredibly beneficial and pave the way for success.

Talk to your teacher about your ADHD and how it affects your learning

Talking to your teacher about having ADHD can be intimidating and a bit scary. I know that my personal experiences have left me feeling nervous and even embarrassed when I had to explain my situation to someone. However, it's important to start these conversations with your teachers as soon as possible, because it helps them to better understand how ADHD presents itself in you. Don't be afraid of asking for extra time on projects or other accommodations needed due to your learning disability. And speaking from experience, starting the conversation will let your teacher know that you care about learning and that asking for help is something you don't shy away from. Taking care of yourself does not make you lesser than anyone else; in fact, it makes you stronger!

If you're finding it hard to stay focused or keep on top of your studies, getting a study buddy or joining a study group is an easy way to make sure you can stay motivated. Having someone else to chat with while you work can really brighten up the slog of studying, not only that but having a regular person (or people) to hold each other accountable means you're much more likely to stay on top of what you need to do. Plus, if there are things you don't quite understand and everyone can take turns explaining it? It'll be like having a whole little mini classroom at home!

Take breaks often to move around and get some fresh air - this will help you focus when you sit down to work again

Taking regular breaks during long days of work may seem counterintuitive, but trust me - it will make you more productive in the long run. Taking a few minutes away from your desk every couple of hours can help your mind reset and refocus. Getting up and moving around gives your body much needed rest and some fresh air can be like an energy shot for the brain! In addition, you’ll find creative solutions come more easily when you give yourself space trust something to percolate in the background. So, don’t be scared to take a break and come back with a refreshed mindset – it could be the very thing that helps you get past that project hurdle!

Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it - there are people who want to see you succeed!

We all need a little help every now and then. Nothing is worse than feeling like you can't reach out for assistance. You may think no one will want to support you, or you don't know who to turn to in a time of need. The truth is, there are always people who are eager to see you succeed! Don't hesitate to build your network of friends, family, and colleagues — they may have just the right advice or resource that can make a difference in your situation. Even if it doesn’t work out how you originally planned, the support itself could prove invaluable. Feeling empowered isn’t about doing it all on your own; it’s about knowing when to ask for what you need. So don't be shy — take advantage of all the love and positivity that surrounds you!

Overall, managing ADHD in school is never easy - but it’s definitely far from impossible. If you approach the situation with a positive mindset, there are so many solutions that can make learning more manageable. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you feel like you need extra help or accommodations! The key is to find the support system and strategies that work best for you. So keep reminding yourself that success is within your grasp! With dedication and a little bit of self-care, you can learn how to thrive with ADHD in school. We can help you create a school plan specific to you and your ADHD. Contact us today or learn more about our ADHD Treatment here.